Agricultural Engineering is a fast developing field of Engineering which applies the knowledge, techniques and disciplines of various fields of Engineering to find a solution to the problems arising in the field of Agriculture.
Formation of Agricultural Engineering Department
“The Grow More Food Programme” the call for “Green Revolution” by introduction of high yielding wheat varieties like Kalyan Sona and high yielding, short duration and non lodging paddy varieties like IR8 & IR20 with application of inorganic fertilizers during 1960s resulted in increased agricultural production. A stage came, beyond which more sophisticated planning and special efforts were called for to sustain the agricultural production. It was then felt that providing necessary momentum to the Agricultural Engineeing activities should help to increase the agricultural production. Hence, the Agricultural Engineering Wing in the Department of Agriculture was separated and the new “AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT” was formed as a separate Department on 21.1.81. It was then declared as a Non-Commercial Department from September 1981.
Organisation Chart
Scheme Activities of Agricultural Engineering Department
Under the scheme, Bull Dozers, Tractors, Transplanter and Combined Harvesters are hired to farmers to carry out farm operations.
Hire Charges
: Bull Dozer: – Rs. 840/= per hour,
Tractor – Rs. 340 per hour
Transplanter – Rs. 1025/= per hour
Combined Harvesters Tyre Type – Rs. 875/= per hour
Track Type – Rs.1415/- per hour.
Minor Irrigation Scheme
Under the scheme, Drilling Machines are hired for the construction of Bore Wells in the farmers field.
Hire charges :
Rotary Drill – Rs. 130 per Meter
Mini Drill – Rs. 60 per meter
Resistivity Meter : To locate the site for digging bore
well/open well Rs 500 per site
Electrical Logger : To find the depth of water
and to decide construction design for tube Wells Rs 1000/ per bore well
Sub Mission of Agricultural Mechanisation (SMAM) and National Agricultural Development Programme (NADP)
Under the scheme Tractors, Power Tillers, Transplanters, Power Threshers, Power Weeders, Rotavators, Laser Land Levellers, Sprayers and gender friendly equipments are issued. Custom Hiring Centres with subsidy basis farmed to farmers group/entrepreneur so as to hire out the Machineries to the needy farmers in that block.
World Bank Assisted Irrigated Agriculture Modernisation and Water Bodies Restoration and Management
The Project Development Objectives is to improve irrigation service delivery and productivity of irrigated agriculture with effective integrated water resources management in a river basin / sub-basin frame work in Tamilnadu. In this programme Farmponds to individual farmers with 10% contribution is being undertaken during 2017-18 in cauvery delta.
Mission on Sustainable Dry Land Agriculture
Under the Programme Agricultural Engineering Department
Carryingout the following works i.e. selected clusters of MSDA
- Ploughing works with subsidy.
- Entry Point Activity.
- Farm Pond are being constructed as Water Harvesting Structures.
- Value addition machineries at the cost of Rs.10 lakhs will be supplied to the MSDA cluster.
- Village Level Custom Hiring Centres are formed at the cost of 10 Lakhs/centre with 80% subsidy.
Micro Irrigation Scheme (MIS)
Agricultural Engineering Department in Coordination with Agriculture/Horticulture Department, will inspect the field and approve quotation. After installation, the system is being measured and recommended for payment to Agriculture/ Horticulture Department.
Civil Works
All the Civil Works of Sister Departments are carried out by Agricultural Engineering Department like Farm Works, IAEC Buildings, AEEC Buildings and Marketing Godowns.
Solar Pumpsets (National Agricultural Development Programme)
As per the new guidelines, the farmers are eligible get solar pumpset installation at 90% subsidy if, they are willing to forego free current or withdraw the application for free current. The scheme is implemented with Farmers contribution 10% & taxes, the MNRE share is 20%, TANGEDCO share is 30% & State Share is 40%.
Solar Drier (Post Harvest Technology – National Agricultural Development Programme)
The farmers can avail 50% subsidy to solar driers, the maximum eligible subsidy will be 1.5 lakhs for other farmers & 1.6 lakhs for SF/MF/SC/ST & Women Farmers.
The approved cost per square feet is 750/- without trays & trollys. The farmers can construct solar driers through empanelled firms (by Agricultural Engineering Department) at the cost mentioned above and avail the subsidy.