Social Welfare and Women Empowerment
LC Committee Members Details
Welfare schemes implemented under Social Welfare Office
1. Muvalur Ramamirtham Ammaiyar Memorial Higher Education Scheme.
2. Dr. Muthuletsumi Reddy Intermarriage Assistance Scheme.
3. E. Ve Ra Maniammaiyar Memorial Widow Daughter Marriage Assistance Scheme.
4. Mother Teresa Marriage Assistance Scheme for destitute women.
5. Dr. Dharmambal Ammaiyar Widow Remarriage Assistance Scheme.
6. Free Sewing Machine Scheme in memory of Sathyavani Muthu Ammaiyar.
7. Chief Minister’s Girl Child Protection Scheme.
8. Child Marriage Prohibition Act-2006.
9. Old Age Homes Swathar Graha.
10. Transgender Welfare.
11. Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005.
12. Dowry Prevention Act 1961.
13. Parents and Senior Citizens Care and Protection Act 2007.
14. Protection of Women from Sexual Violence in the Workplace Act 2013.
15. Private Women Working Women’s Hostel.
16. Protect the girl child, teach the girl child (BBBP).
17. Government Service House Higher Secondary School, Thanjavur-6.
18. Functions of Co-operative Societies.
19.One Stop Center
1. Pudhumai penn Scheme
Honorable Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu on 05.09.2022 in the presence of Honorable Chief Minister of Delhi who was the special guest at the function held at Bharathimalir College Campus, Chennai.On behalf of the Department of Social Welfare and Women’s Rights, under the Moovalur Irama Mirtam Higher Education Guarantee Scheme, the students of higher education from 6th to 12th standard in government schools will get Rs. 1000Vetham started a scheme for providing financial assistance to women.
In order to give due place to women in all development of the state, Tamil Nadu Government has changed the name of Department of Social Welfare and Nutrition to “Department of Social Welfare and Women’s Rights”.
The government has been announcing and implementing various welfare schemes to protect the welfare of women, children, senior citizens, transgenders, etc. In that way, like women’s education, ensuring higher education and making the society of today’s women scientists, doctors, etc.
As an engineer, a creative person, a well-educated woman who wants to be a good citizen, a literate, tech-rich working community, The Government of Tamil Nadu has created an innovative program as a basis for development.
Through this scheme, to provide higher education to women, promote gender equality, prevent child marriage, financially help students who are unable to study due to family situation and poverty, reduce the dropout rate of girl children, and continue their education according to their choice. Accumulation
2. Muthulakshmi Reddy Memorial Inter-caste Marriage Assistance Scheme
A financial assistance of Rs.25,000 is given to couples who marry into mixed marriages. 15,000/- in cash, Rs. 10,000/-NSC and 8 gram gold coin. 30,000/- cash for graduates, Rs. 20,000/- NSC and 8 gram gold coin is given. There is no income ceiling for availing benefits.
3. EVR Maniammaiyar Memorial Marriage Assistance Scheme
This scheme is for the daughters of poor widows. Annual family income is 72000/-. 25,000/- in cash and 8 gram gold coin. Graduates are awarded Rs.50,000 + 8 gram gold coin.
4. Mother Teresa Memorial Marriage Assistance Scheme
25,000/- + 8 gm gold coin for marriage of orphan girl. For Graduates Rs. 50,000/- and an 8 gram gold coin is issued. There is no income ceiling for availing this benefit.
5. Dharmambal Ammaiyar Memorial Widow Remarriage Assistance Scheme
Under this scheme, young widows who remarry will be given Rs.15,000/- in cash and Rs. 10,000/- NSC + 8 gram gold coin. 30000/- cash for graduates and Rs. 20,000/- NSC + 8 gram gold coin is offered. There is no income ceiling and no educational qualification to avail the benefit.
6. Free Sewing Machine Scheme in memory of Sathyavani Muthu Ammaiyar
Under the Sathyavani Muthu Ammaiyar Memorial Free Sewing Machine Scheme by the Department of Social Welfare and Women’s Rights, free sewing machines are being provided to widows, abandoned women, physically challenged and debilitated poor women.
- Income proof should be within Rs.72,000/-. should be obtained from the Tahsildar.
- Age proof of date of birth or education proof (must be between 20 to 40 years old)
- In case of widow a certificate to that effect (from Tahsildar) should be obtained.
- Caste certificate should be obtained (from Tahsildar).
- If she has been abandoned by her husband, a certificate (from the Tahsildar) should be obtained.
- Proof of visible stitching (to be attached).
- Passport size color photograph – 2.
Chief Minister’s Two Girl Child Protection Scheme
Chief Minister’s Girl Child Protection Scheme – introduced in 1992 and revised in 2001 and 2011. There are two plans.
is for parents with a girl child and parents who have family planning before the age of 35. 50,000/- has been deposited in Tamil Nadu Power Finance Corporation in the name of the child. This amount is given to the child subject to the condition that the girl child should not be married before the age of 18 and should have studied up to 10th standard. Amount to be given to the child on maturity.
For parents with two daughters and one of the parents has undergone family planning before the age of 35. 25,000/- each is deposited in the name of two children. This amount is given to the child subject to the condition that the girl child should not be married before the age of 18 and should have studied up to 10th standard. Amount to be given to the child on maturity.
8.Child Marriage Prohibition Act
In 1978, the law was amended to change the minimum age of marriage to 18 for women and 21 for men. This law can prevent child done.
9. Nursing Homes
If parents and senior citizens are not financially able to maintain themselves and do not have any assets, they can claim maintenance from their sons, grandsons and granddaughters under this Act.
Suwadar House
Short Term Women’s Hostels
10. Transgender Welfare Board
Ministry of Social Finance and Empowerment Transgender Welfare Board
According to Section 10(1) of the Transgender (Protection of Rights) Act 2020, “The concerned Government may establish a Transgender Welfare Board to protect the rights and interests of transgender persons and to facilitate access to programs and welfare schemes formulated by the Government”.
All State Governments have been informed on 09.10.2020 about the passing of this Act and the procedures for taking appropriate action.
In order to protect transgender people from discrimination and to raise their status, the Central Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment has classified the third gender, transgender, transgender, kothi etc.
The Tamil Nadu Transgender Welfare Board is working on behalf of the State Social Welfare Department. Since 2012, this board has been identifying and conducting a survey of transgender people across Tamil Nadu. Also, it is providing them with identity cards to provide them with welfare assistance.
Also, the Tamil Nadu government provides welfare assistance to the transgender community to live like fellow human beings and to improve their livelihood.
Loan assistance up to Rs.50 thousand for transgenders to start self-employment
- Supply of sewing machines
- Temporary accommodation for Transgenders coming to Chennai for treatment and gender surgery
- Identity Card
- Providing free belt
- Housing scheme
- Formation of Self Help Groups
- Issuance of Ration Card
Such schemes are implemented by this welfare board.
1500 per month is given to transgender women above 40 years of age.
Security Officer
11. Prevention of Violence against Women in the Family Protection Act 2005
Women who suffer from physical, sexual violence, psychological violence and economic violence by family members are given protection orders under the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act, residential orders, maintenance orders, protective orders, compensation orders and interimo
12. Dowry Prevention Act 1961
AsperSection4ofDowryPreventionAct,bride/bride’s/parents/relatives/guardiansrders. Those who demand dowry directly or indirectly will be punished with imprisonment for a term not less than six months and not less than two years and a fine of Rs.10,000/-.
13. Parents and Senior Citizens Care and Protection Act 2007
If parents and senior citizens are not financially able to maintain themselves and do not have any assets, they can claim maintenance from their sons, grandsons and granddaughters under this Act.
14. Protection of Women from Sexual Violence in the Workplace Act 2013
The Complaint Committee on Protection of Women from Sexual Violence at Workplace Act 2013 has been established in all government, private organizations and non-governmental organizations where more than 10 men and women are working, and through this, complaints regarding sexual harassment of women working there can be investigated and appropriate action can be taken through the committee.
15. Private Women Working Women’s Hostel
There are 17 private working women’s hostels operating in Thanjavur district. 12 hostels have been granted license by the district governor and are functioning. Further steps are being taken to get license for 5 private working women’s hostels.
Registration under Single Window Portal for Ownership Certificate of Private Working Women’s Hostels done and the District Collector through the District Social Welfare Officer should approve the applications and issue the license. A cheque for Rs.3000/- should be issued in the name of the District Collector and 2 copies of the hostel notices should be submitted to the District Social Welfare Office.
It has also been informed that government and private schools with hostels operating under the School Education Department should be licensed and operate as per the provisions of The Tamil Nadu Hostels and Homes for Women and Children (Regulation) Act, 2014.
To license hostels as per Ordinance (Status) No. 31
- Building License Certificate
- Building Assurance Certificate
- Food safety certificate
- Health certificate
- Fire Proof
- Building plan
Apply with the following certificate
16. Let us protect the girl child and teach the girl child
It is our mantra that men and women are equal
“We all celebrate the birth of a girl child. We celebrate the birth of our daughters with equal pride. I request you to plant 5 saplings for your daughter when she celebrates her birthday.”
This is the message to the people of Jayapur village adopted by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
The Protect and Educate the Girl Child (BBPP) program was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 22nd January 2015 at Aryanama National Park, Panipat.
And this scheme has been brought to solve the problems related to the development of women and children which are continuously happening in life. This project is being taken up with the collaboration of three ministries namely Department of Women and Child Development, Health and Family Welfare and Central Human Resource Development.
The main aspect of this project is the full implementation of BC and PNDT Act which prohibits the practice of pre-diagnosis and sterilization of the girl child. That is, awareness and campaigns on the girl child will be taken up at the national level.
Selecting districts and campaigning on the needs of the girl child is an important aspect. Changing the mindset of the people about girl children, sensitizing, raising awareness, and mobilizing community-based support is also an important aspect of this program.
17.Government Service House Higher Secondary School, Thanjavur-6
- Children of mother/ fatherless children, children of physically handicapped parents, children of below poverty line (income certificate not exceeding 72000) are admitted in boarding school.
- 6th to 12th standard girl students stay and study in Government Service House High School Dormitory.
- Food, lodging, uniform, notebooks, undergarments, monthly uniforms, shoes, educational tour once a year are provided free of cost in Government Service House High School.
- Social welfare department provides scholarship (Rs. 30,000/- for degree/ diploma and Rs. 50,000/- for vocational education) for girls who have completed 12th standard in this service home.
- Girls who have completed 12th standard in this service house are given preference for Multi Purpose Health Man (ANM) training.
- The girl students studying in this service home are given employment on priority basis for the posts of gardener, cook, nanny in the government service home.
18.Functions of Co-operative Societies
Under the control of Social Welfare Office in Thanjavur District
- 1. District Cloth Cutting Centre, Thanjavur
- 2. Kundavai Nachiyar Women Tailoring Co-operative Society Thanjavur
- 3. Thanjavur Women’s Tailoring Co-operative Society Thanjavur
- 4. Kumbakonam Women’s Tailoring Co-operative Society Kumbakonam
- Co-operative societies are functioning
- 5. District Cloth Cutting Center Thanjavur
- 6. The uniform cloths obtained from the government are cut according to the size of the students as per the requirement list and the other three
- Supervised by Co-operative Officer (Supervision).
- Functions of Co-operative Societies
- Distributed to other Co-operative Societies by the Co-operative Officer (Supervision). Free uniforms are distributed to the members of the Co-operative Societies concerned and are returned after sewing to the respective District Education Office/District Education of the Societies.
Delivered in the office. The uniforms stitched in the Sangams are provided to the well-nourished students of classes 1 to 8, Adi Dravidar Welfare Schools, Backward and Seermarapin/Adhi Dravidar Welfare Hostels. These works are being looked after by the Co-operative Officer/Co-operative Supervisor of the concerned Co-operative Society.
19.One Stop Center
Central government has started a “Nirbhaya Nidhi” for the protection of women victims and has started a free service center. The center provides free police assistance, legal assistance, medical assistance and psychological counseling to the victimized women and is functioning 24 hours a day. is working.